
Welcome to common elements of me.
I am simple, and complex.
I come here to express and vent- and share.
Enjoy, relish, and comment.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas, Gay People, Sex, and The Dentist

Hey all,
I have been super busy again. But I decided, while at work, and wasting life, I would at least share with you my wonderfulness!
Did you know there is only 25 days to christmas eve? YAY!

I am done my christmas shopping- actually I finished on monday- and they are wrapped and under the tree. That is right! ON THE FREAKING BALL!

Speaking of balls, I have to share these awesome videos that a friend showed me this week.

I found it fucking hilarious. 
But, ladies, there is one for you too...

Not as hilarious- but still worth the watch.

I am well aware that there are some crazy over-generalizations. However, still hilarious. 
The one part that concerns me in the woman's one is the sex bit- I know I have never had sex with a woman, and I understand that dildos are part of the usage- but from my understanding (especially from a university professor, who said so clearly in our Philosophy of Sex class) there is more to it (Especially for lesbians) then the ohh ahhs of a dildo. But whatever- I'm not going to pretend to know about it. I may know about my experiences but I seriously cannot comment on anything like that. 

I just love it though- especially the gay one- the lesbian one- I am like whatever... everyone seems to love lesbians- in fact I have heard many people say lesbians are okay but Gay people thats the problem (like lesbians are a class outside of gay!)

Ok though ladies and gents- I have something else serious to talk to you about. I have been working at a dental office for just over three months now- and I have to tell you people- BRUSH YOUR TEETH! Seriously, you guys don't know how gross it is to see that crap scrapped off. I clean and sterilize some of the things they use to help out- and its nasty. And when you come in here and say I don't brush my teeth that is your job- We have to tell you EW. And also, no wonder no one wants to kiss you. Seriously, there are so many of you who don't- or pretend to- and we can freaking tell the difference. It should not take two hours to clean your mouth. Teeth are so important- so please take care of them. 

Also, get your cavities taken care of! If you have them- GO SEE YOUR DENTIST!! Because, instead of just paying to get that fixed, you could end up needing a root canal. That is when your cavity is so deep and it is into your roots- therefore no filling in the world will fix it. So go get it fixed, please. Cause then you complain to me... it is not my fault you are a moron. 

ALSO- you people need to learn how to talk to a receptionist. We are not dentists, we are not dental experts, we take phone calls, make appointments, and doing the billing (sometimes). DO NOT YELL AT US WHEN THE DENTIST IS UNAVAILABLE- he is a dentist- guess what if he is not available you have two options SHUT THE FUCK UP and GET THE NEXT AVAILABLE APPOINTMENT or Change dentists. And Good luck finding a dentist who has lots of time to take emergency appointments. 
I am not trying to be mean, or bitter or anything- just realistic. We don't decide when the dentists work- he does. And yelling at me isn't going to get you an appointment any faster- talking to me like a human being not your bitch, means I can ask the doctor if he can stay 30 minutes later. 

Another thing, if you call and say you need an emergency appointment- and I say "I have 4pm". And you said "I'm at work still". And then I inform you it is our last available appointment- you better take it and not bitch. If you don't bitch, I may ask another patient to try to switch with you. But if it is an emergency- where the pain is so bad you cannot sleep- then you should take the appointment. If not- good luck finding someone else. 

Anyways. Thats my rant. 

Hope you enjoy Christmas.

And Gay People

And Sex

And the dentist...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Miss My Classroom

It official- the only job I can work happily is teaching- it is my calling to be the worlds greatest high school religion teacher.
Teaching is easily the most rewarding job ever.
Teaching is easily the most fun job ever.
Teaching gives you back what you put into it- and I pour my heart and soul into it.
Now that I am not teaching:
I feel sick.
I feel like I am working because I have to not because I want to.
I don't feel like I am helping anyone.
Most of all, I feel sick in my soul- because this is not what I should be doing. I belong in the classroom filling minds of teenagers with love! SAYING HEY I CARE ABOUT YOU! Telling them, no matter what they do to me or say to me, I will always listen.
It is like being a mother, yet you have 180 children to look after in a year! It means your life is filled with 90 people every 5 months that you love, and care for like they are your own kids. Bad and good- they call you teacher. As a teacher you spend more time with them then their parents do. You get listen more then anyone else.
And, while I may not be a an actual parent one day, right now more then anything I would love to have 30-60, 90 or even more to say hey- lets work together. Teach them new things and learn from them. I just crave being in a classroom. I need my fix.

So, then i watched a video my kids made for me the last time I taught- and it still makes me cry. And then, I wondered- what are they doing now? Would it be creepy for me to go in and check on everyone and say hi? Probably.

Anyways, that is my little rant- how I miss being a teacher so much. Dear Government- MORE TEACHING JOBS- pretty please?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Assessment- or Evaluation?

Hey hey,
So it is rather late, but I could not sleep- thinking about a couple things. So I figured, if you can't sleep you should write.
Firstly I had my assessment on Wednesday, and I asked the lady supervising (whose job I may be taking), "Is this an assessment or an evaluation?". Her answer was: "What is the difference?" That is when I realized I am highly qualified for her job. ASSESSMENT VERSUS EVALUATION- Take it away Bachelor of Education.
FYI- it was not an assessment- it was an evaluation. 
But for the sake of argument we can continue calling it an assessment.

Anyways, despite my horrible grammar/English comprehension she began to mark my English component as I worked on my math assessment (there was no good in that). And she, in the middle of my test, asked "are you an English Major?". I quickly commented, no, and I often struggle with grammar and English skills. She seemed shocked, and when I asked her, she said I scored higher in English then an English major she had in previous to do the same assessment. That's when I was shocked, but quickly hid it with amusement. Perhaps, university did teach me a thing or two? Perhaps several.
The math was another story; I made up several answers- I guessed to see if they seemed right, or close enough. I had said in my interview that I doubt I could pass math beyond grade 9 at my current, state and they said they wouldn't need me to teach math, but that it was still a required part of the horrid assessment. I frankly did not even understand half the questions- which was slightly amusing as well.
Anyways, I must of done all right, considering they are booking me for a final interview (hurrah!).

So, there is something kinda bugging me. This summer I worked a variety of jobs, only one I really loved- and I really screwed up. I was working at a shoe store, that many of you have heard of, and I loved my job- and I was naturally good at it. Then, they changed their rules of amount of full timers per  money earned; therefore demoting our entire store to part-time.

Therefore, I had to get a second job. So I did, I got a job at a famous Canadian Coffee and Bakery shop. I made it well known that I had no intention quitting the job I love for them, and wanted the schedules to work together. That worked for about 4 weeks. By then, that coffee shop, that was 24 hours, with "flexible" hours, offered me an ultimatum either quit there or quit the job I love. Feeling, under pressure for coming up with the money difference, I made my first mistake, and that was to commence working night shift at the coffee shop and days at the shoe store. Meaning, I no longer slept. Meaning, I became a zombie. After 3 weeks of night shift, I couldn't do it any more, and I made another exhausted decision - to quit the job I love and work days at the coffee shop. This was mistake number too. They never put me back on days. And I don't even know how many times I requested it, and begged them. Then, it got worse. I had some of the lovely ladies (not managers, not supervisors) yelling at me- about forgetting to put something out (like maple flakes) at 5 am. I was being humiliated by other staff members. I was being insulted, and constantly belittled. My managers and supervisors did nothing. The day before I quit, I was already serving 3 "guests" at once, and I had a lady, who was training people for another store, yell at me about doing more at once. And I told her, I cannot do anything else. I am doing the best I can. I cannot serve Ice cream, and two counters and drive through by myself. She proceeded to call me incompetent- in front of the guest I was serving at that moment. In retrospect, I should have quit then, I should have just walked out. But instead, I finished serving the guest, and allowed her to continue to humiliate me. I knew it was a matter of time before I either cried publicly (again) or quit. The next day I handed in my uniform and gave them no notice. Don't get me wrong, many of the franchises to work for are a lot better, and treat you with respect (like a person, not a machine), but this one was so not okay. And, I didn't mind the job itself, it was the people I worked with- they humiliated, insulted, and belittled on a regular basis. And the only person who didn't do that, wasn't allowed to work with me, because we knew each other outside of work. However, thats the long story, the short story is- I wanted to write them a letter, to management, to human resources, and to the owner, but I never did. Too much aggression? Perhaps? Too late? Somewhat. Worried about the consequences? Absolutely. I hate saying bad things about others, (for the most part)... but if I was treated like that, who else was? I lost a great job for this company, and got treated like garbage for it. It is unbelievable the crap you can put yourself through, and let others get away with treating you like crap. Maybe I should write that letter still, so I can say No it wasn't okay, and you guys need to know that it wasn't.
Maybe the letter won't even be acknowledged. Who knows. Perhaps, that should be my next writing project.

And, another sad part of this is, I use to be a huge fan of this coffee shop, it was close to home, but now I cringe at the thought of entering any of them- especially this one. Because, I am reunited with the feelings of humiliation.

I should also give credit where credit is due; I had one manager who worked there, (often we did not work together), who regularly took me away from the others, told me I was doing a good job, and did what she could to help me out. She treated me like a person, and it made me respect her all the more. When I do go in there now- I look for her- because she is one of the few worth it.

I don't want anyone to be thinking: BOYCOTT THIS PRODUCT, no, I don't think that helps any workers, and you would all screw me over. But, watch how the person making your food, or serving your coffee is being treated- if they aren't being treated well, speak up- because management doesn't give a shit about those employees. But they have that new "make it right" policy, so that the customer is always happy. A happy employee = a happy customer.

Anyways, perhaps I should still write this letter. The longer I put it off the less meaningful it will be... but I just feel that they need to know; and that they should change and grow. Imagine how many kids in school work there, and get treated that way (like crap?). It is not right and I hope that company does make room for change- because you need to treat your employees (those who do the hard labour) better then that- and treat them like people not little machines (PEOPLE!!!!)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Good things all at once...

So it has been a couple days since you have heard from me but as I told you- I have been in the process of negotiating for a house- and guess what... I am a very proud home owner. The house is beautiful. Move in day is set for December 14th! Yay 5 weeks! So in honour of my good news- I must share some hilarious photos.

 I plan on it..

I hope this isn't us...

Second set of good news; I had an interview on Wednesday (same day we bought the house)... and apparently it went really well, because I got a second interview on the spot. I also have to complete an evaluation but this is a step in the right direction! woo hoo.. teaching adults may be coming through! 
Soon I will be hearing students complain (I can only hope)!

And more good news- AMERICAN's aren't as dumb as they look (ok, yes offensive joke... blah blah blah). Well, they aren't except for Texas, and Donald Trump.  Congratulations Donald Trump on making an ass of yourself.... but much more importantly- OBAMA! 4 more years. Thank God, *yes God doesn't have to be republican!* women's right may continued to be protected by you. 

I don't know if you read the twitter's- but if you haven't... here is a saved copy of them... because Mr. Trump here intelligently decided he was going to write whatever he wanted in his twitter journal- where no one would ever find it. Luckily many smart people saved his tweets, before he deleted them; while I did see them before he deleted them I was not one of the smart people... but here you go... eat your heart out....

I wondered as I read these- he must be flexible, as he managed to put his foot in his mouth and his head in his ass all at the same time! 

...said Donald Trump's toupee! 

I know its kinda a short post- but its hilarious. At least I have been laughing at myself - even if you aren't laughing at all. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obama 2012- Women Right's are at Stake!

It is Election Day in the States... and as a proud Canadian, I must admit the choice for American's should be quite easy. But then I remember all the southern stereotypes. So today I put out a challenge for Americans- disprove your southern redneck stereotypes, get off your ass and vote #obama2012 (yes hastag- check out twitter #obama2012 #voteobama #election2012). The fun part is Obama is at least trending on twitter, no sign of Romney!

Look, its easy guys- you go out and vote... and while it may be a little more complicated for you Americans (your system is a little bit different)- I cannot find any excuse for you to not do it.

And American Women, do you really want your health options to be decided by a man who things rape babies are a gift from God? Really, so that child for the rest of it's life can be known as the rape baby? Even if the baby doesn't know it the rest of their family will. It is not a little miracle, it was an abuse, a crime, that the woman would have to take care of for the rest of her life. I'm not saying I support abortion, cause personally I don't think I could do it, but I have NO REASON (even with all my religious beliefs), to tell someone in that situation, or in any situation in their life that it is not their choice. You know what it is not my choice, and for sure, it is not ROMNEY's choice. And how could you stand by someone who could stand by another man who believes in Legitimate rape. There is no such thing. Rape is rape. Just like no means no. If we start believing that women can mean yes when they say no- we might as well through the whole concept of rape out the window, and go back to the stone age.

And for anyone who doesn't know how a vagina works, it is pretty simple. It is a vagina, no magical powers. Pregnancy happens, when a man ejaculates in a vagina, and the sperms head up to the eggs and there is your miracle of life. (Now ask a pregnant woman if it is a miracle or the biggest pain in the ass). Look, there is no magic barrier, there is no way that a woman can prevent becoming pregnant without birth control, without condoms, and without the Morning After Pill. If you don't like it, don't use it- but don't hate on those who do- and don't remove someone else's right to. We can't all be like the Duggars (how many kids and counting?). Well maybe in today's society, we should be offering free birth control, so that families who can't afford kids don't have kids. So that way, people can pay for their living expenses, women don't have to take time off work that they cannot afford.

So men, think of your daughters, your mothers, your wives, your grandmothers, your granddaughters, your nieces, your baby sitters, your students, your neighbours, your cousins, your aunts. think of all those women who love you so much, and do America a favour. Vote Obama 2012.

On another personal note, not only is remembrance day, or Movember, it is all Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. So Please Wear Purple- even if it is just for Patrick Swayze.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A case of the mondays...

Good Evening all,
It is another monday. Today was awful. (are you surprised?)

My lovely boss is late on my paycheque again.... no clients came in all day. No confirmed calls all day. and shit just did not go well.

And it is cold. Last year, when I was up north in Timbuktu it was cold; where as home, had lovely warm weather- this year it is -2 in November. Last year, they got -2 in January .... I am not happy.

And furthermore- I'm just grumpy on mondays. If I am not; then you know something is seriously wrong with me.

I agree. 

But I found something that I just have to share. It is something that made my day- wanted me to run to the tree tops and exclaim: "Female Book Worms Unite" or "GIRL POWER"! And then I may have to rip of my bra and set it on fire... while waving a book around 
well here take a look for yourself... 

I would love to hear your thoughts.

It is really empowering to believe that women and intelligence are something to feared. Makes it seem like the reason we are still not achieving equal pay and rights around the world (and here at home)- is because the world is intimidated by us- and they should be. 

I don't mean to complain- but I can't help but notice in how many relationships women take care of getting things done- maybe not the handiwork of fixing a faucet, but the planning, the phone calls, the business of life, and men just sit back. ... I should make a note here: my man to be is not like this... he is not as into grabbing chores by the horns as I am- but he doesn't just sit back. I may have to ask him, "hey can you do this" aka he lacks the initiative, but I don't worry about it not getting done. But Honestly, I do ask him to work on his initiative a little more. 

Anyways, hope you all have a lovely day. I will keep you informed if we do buy a home! :) 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

good, frustrating, and then it is monday

GOOD LATE DAY SIR... ...or Madame So today was a bit of an exciting day- my fiance and I for the last few weeks have been searching for our first home. Yes, little Ms. T is becoming a homeowner. 

Well, I must say looking for a home is one of the most exciting things I have done. Critiquing people is
oh so much fun... but it is also oh so frustrating. I mean- we are not millionaires (we are billionaires!! mwahaha), so finding a home decent in our price range- is like finding a needle in a haystack and by golly I think we did it! We found a beautiful two story home- 7 years old, on the mountain, in a new area so lots of growth to happen around.

And we are so excited. We hope on Tuesday to make it official. If you cannot tell- I am a much happier person today (I guess finding a home will do that to you).

 I will tell you this- tomorrow I will not be- because it is monday- and I have the same disease as that despicable orange ugly-ass cat...

 (And I missed Once Upon A Time...) *tear*

But Remember all- Remembrance day is coming!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Back for Day 2

So, yesterday I was a little rough with my return to the online craze- but I am back and with a vengeance. ok not really. I am back and I am going to try to do this more often...write and talk about life and what is going on. So yesterday you all found out I am getting married- yay- how exciting. Really it is. but I rather talk about more then that- so moving on. I really got to put out a kudos to my friend here- you may know her as Lauren- she is my one and only follower and she set me out (unintentionally) on this blogging journal- again *YAY* (I suggest that y'all check her out, this instant- she is quirky, and a much better writer then I). ...and somehow I hold two university degrees and am able to teach the young minds of tomorrow. Speaking of that- Teaching is my passion- and since completing my degrees I have worked in retail (until July) then at Tim Hortons (until August), worked for JYSK (for one day), and have worked at a dental office as a receptionist and billings. *side note: for those of you who don't know what JYSK is, essentially it is like a big bed bath and beyond, with like wallmart prices and qualities, but nicer then a wallmart but less nice then a bed bath and beyond (seriously just go to bed bath and beyond). There just isn't any teaching jobs in southern ontario- kinda crappy... but I kinda have this opportunity that may help me out... I have an interview on wednesday with a private career college in Hamilton... Wish me luck guys- it will be teaching adults and helping them get their GED and find jobs- kinda cool right? (I may need to teach a Customer service course- yay?) However, I still believe this is a GIANT leep in my career that is in the path forward (yay?). However, I kinda feel like the person the greatest man in the world was talking about...
Cause yes my first degree is a bachelor of arts... of course Day two of me B*tching about my life? You people are gunna love me... I can see you internet trolls saying "First world problems- too many jobs getting raises". Well screw you guys :) by the way I am behind in big bang theory this week :( tear ... I may just go watch that now... so in spirit of halloween (yes 3 days ago- seriously I know I'm late)... I leave you with this-

Friday, November 2, 2012

I AM NOT BRIDEZILLA!- The Adventures of a Normal Bride against her Single Friends

The day was cold and tiring. This young lady was exhausted from young minds and evalutions. It had come to be the time- where her skills were being put to the test. And after that successful adventure, little did she know, would begin a new one that would occupy her next 18 months. Her groom to be, was taking her to dinner with friends, unknown to her a ruse for, a proposal. And by the lake with christmas lights all a glow he professed his love, and asked the lady to be by his side for a lifetime. She of course said yes. And I am of course that young lady. Almost a year later- and I wish I could go back to that moment and give myself some quick advice- don’t tell anyone today. Especially facebook. And really think before you choose the day. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO WAIT A YEAR AND A HALF? (the answer is no… too bad it took me almost 11 months to learn it). And another big piece of advice- do not have so many bridesmaids- and elope. Well maybe not elope. I love most of my wedding planning- the church, the hall, the cake, the flowers, the dresses…. But I hate being called bridezilla. When the day comes and my single friends get married- I can’t wait for them to feel being in my shoes. So, today I write, and perhaps when all this is over I can really tell them how I feel. So what happened? Well, in university I was blessed to have 3 wonderful room-mates- two of whom I still talk to and one who wishes I was dead- and perhaps would have done so if it was not illegal. Simply, we had an argument about me driving her somewhere, and waiting, that would have taken me out of my way, and about 2 hours longer to get where I was going for a weekend. She took it as a personal assault; blew it out of proporation- and simply made it into “Ever since you got in engaged you have changed”. Really, have i? Or is it the anger you feel towards a man who says he doesn’t believe in marriage and is pressuring you to move in with him, and find a place- even though both of you are unemployed? Perhaps if you took the time to talk to him instead of yell- perhaps you could grasp each others likes and dislikes better. Perhaps. Perhaps, most of all- your anger is indeed justified- that I have changed. Who knows. Well, I know this that I disagree- In January I was most definitely still preoccupied with school and exams like the normal student- my life was just a little more exciting- considering I was planning a future outside of being a student. Perhaps what you felt was jealousy, and I could understand… you have been together for 8 years with a man who doesn’t believe in commitment- but I believe at this point it is you who is crazy. I hope you find happiness- with him or someone else- it does not matter- Just find peace and happiness. I am sad that I lost a friend- someone I dearly cared about- but I’m not sad to loose my unpaid chaufeer job- or someone who felt justified to treat me as garbage because her life wasn’t going her way. And I’m sorry you felt the need to bad mouth me to teachers- because the truth about you came out quickly- and the school was deeply concerned about your bullying- and my being harassed. First friend loss to my engagement. But there are positive things- I have made good friends with a lovely young lady (in the same program as I) who was experiencing the same stage of life. I attended her beautiful lakeside wedding this year- and she was a beautiful bride. Her friendship is one I deeply treasure- her kindness wonderful, and she genuinely understands that friendship takes two people-both making mistakes and both forgiving. Thank you my dear, for helping me and coming into my life when I needed you most. Thank you. But there is something I get still from a lot of girls- and if you are one of them don’t worry I think I get it. I get anger- and hurt- that I left the single girls behind. If you are single- trust me I don’t think any less of you. You are brave, and independent- and if you had asked me about 6 years ago what my plans were for my life right now? I would be teaching in Australia or Northern Canada- not working a dead-end job for almost minimum. I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be where I am now. I would be a young woman, who took life into her own hands- and I might be lonely. If you are single, friend, please don’t fret- don’t be lonely- pick up that phone of yours and send me a message- I will answer. While my life is full of finding a house, and finding the baker, and etc, I will always have time to say hello and remind you that I love you. And I really want you to know this- my friends to me, mean so much, I don’t do anything half-assed. I give the people that enter my life my entire heart and soul and mind. And if I seem hurt sometimes its because I gave you all of me. I do this for all of you. I’m not making this up- one of my dear and wonderfully gay giant friends (not giantly gay as that is not quantitative- as in he is taller then god almighty) has told me repeatedly “You care too much”. And it is true. So maybe, when my single friends turn around and call me bridezilla because I threw a party in honour of all you- to thank you for dealing with me- and was upset that 5 of my family memembers (3 bridesmaid cousins, and 2 ushers who were cousins) were not present, and 1 of you (also my family) left early for someone who you just mets party. I was hurt not cause I was a bride being ignored- I was hurt because I was a family member and a friend tossed aside. I would have been there for you. A bridezilla is someone who expects the ultimate from everyone- hair exactly the same- expect, expect, expect. I don’t. I do expect my wedding to be in my taste- and I am very sorry if it is not in yours. And I do expect music played at events for me and my fiance to be reflective of me and my fiance. I’m sorry if it is not in everyone’s taste.- but does that matter? Is it about everyone else or us? You may not understand right now- but one day the focus will be on you- and I will say “don’t you want the focus on you? Shouldn’t it reflect who you are and not everyone else?”. We will see. For now I try not to hurt too many of you. And if I do- I apologize. I didn’t even realize I was a bridezilla. But hubby and I- we discussed- we don’t believe in divorce- if we decide to marry as we have- it’s a life long thing- we ain’t doing this shit again- and I ain’t going through the hassel of divorce. And most importantly we love each other- and just want to share our love with you. Maybe I mis-spoke earlier. I wouldn’t want to cut out bridesmaids- I choose you wonderful ladies for a reason. You ladies are the people I trust and love so much. You are my nearest and dearest gals. I appreciate what you have done for me- and how you have been involved in my life. I appreciate everything. I’m sorry if I have forgotten to say this. I really do hope you don’t believe it is BRIDE VERSU SINGLE GIRLS!!! Because this is no fighting league or nothing. It is a wedding. I know if one of you read this one day- you are going to know exactly the specific person I have talked about- and that is fine- I mean neither of us can deny that conversations happening- you know me being bridezilla and me calling rap crap. (I’m sorry but my heart is truly country music). But, there is a couple of my single friends- that the support and love you have given is just wonderful. You two specifically know who you are. My goodness am I lucky to have you. I keep talking about my single friends- because my friendships with you now seem the hardest. I am not leaving you- I promise you my home and friendship will always be with you. Party, hard, and tell me the fabulous stories. But don’t pressure me to come out when I can’t afford too – or make me feel like I suck because I don’t go out. When you get a mortgage then you can talk to me about it. And stop looking at your single life as being terrible. You are partying every weekend, you go to the gym and yoga and so on- You look great. You have 3000 fun and cool things you do a year. You travel more then flight attendent and you have picked up tons of one night stands (to be proud or to not be proud that is the question). Look, I’m one of those- lifetime commitment, kinda socially akward, rather stay in and read or play video games then pretend to like the 50 people at the bar. You are one of those hangover everday is a party, party like a rockstar, 24/7, do whatever you want whenever you want sort of people. That is cool. I love our differences- and while I could never do a one night stand- hearing about your experiences over wine while staying in on a girls night makes me giggle and remind me why I love you and why I love hearing your awesome stories. I’m not judging you for it- I kinda think you got balls- WHO’s GOT BIG BALLS? I know sound like an angry teen right now- BLAME THE WORLD! But, seriously BRIDES should get what they want. I’m not saying tell your bridesmaids they have to get their hair and makeup done professionally and all the same way. I mean- music and theme should reflect them (and the Mister), the dresses for the bridesmaid shouldn’t blow the brides dress out of the picture. And seriously for once- its not about how much you can party- it really is about how much we love each other. Here is the other thing- and I get this a lot. YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO BE GETTING MARRIED. Excuse me, I believe I am too old to be living with my parents should have been what you said there. I have two university degrees under my belt, and I am working full time- why the hell shouldn’t I get married to man I have loved for almost 6 years? Hmmm- because of my age? Well I am not that young- and he isn’t getting any younger. I do thing that has to do with the fact- that mostly older ladies then I are saying it. Please don’t be jealous- I don’t think there is anything wrong with getting married at 20, 23, 30, 40, 50 or whenever you feel the need to give someone your lifelong commitment. And finally, to everyone woman out there who things they should share this with a bride- from this bride I give you the response that all brides want to give you when you ask that dumb ass question. I really do not give a rats ass if during my wedding you will have a visit from your aunt flow- excuse me am I supposed to be getting laid on my wedding night or are you? Thank you. To some of you this may anger you- to others you will get it. And some of you will be like OMG get over yourself. I may be bridezilla- I may not. But I am not changing my wedding for someone else (IT IS My and my Misters wedding day- that is it). If I change something for you- will change something for me in yours (unlikely). Are bridezillas overexaggerated?