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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obama 2012- Women Right's are at Stake!

It is Election Day in the States... and as a proud Canadian, I must admit the choice for American's should be quite easy. But then I remember all the southern stereotypes. So today I put out a challenge for Americans- disprove your southern redneck stereotypes, get off your ass and vote #obama2012 (yes hastag- check out twitter #obama2012 #voteobama #election2012). The fun part is Obama is at least trending on twitter, no sign of Romney!

Look, its easy guys- you go out and vote... and while it may be a little more complicated for you Americans (your system is a little bit different)- I cannot find any excuse for you to not do it.

And American Women, do you really want your health options to be decided by a man who things rape babies are a gift from God? Really, so that child for the rest of it's life can be known as the rape baby? Even if the baby doesn't know it the rest of their family will. It is not a little miracle, it was an abuse, a crime, that the woman would have to take care of for the rest of her life. I'm not saying I support abortion, cause personally I don't think I could do it, but I have NO REASON (even with all my religious beliefs), to tell someone in that situation, or in any situation in their life that it is not their choice. You know what it is not my choice, and for sure, it is not ROMNEY's choice. And how could you stand by someone who could stand by another man who believes in Legitimate rape. There is no such thing. Rape is rape. Just like no means no. If we start believing that women can mean yes when they say no- we might as well through the whole concept of rape out the window, and go back to the stone age.

And for anyone who doesn't know how a vagina works, it is pretty simple. It is a vagina, no magical powers. Pregnancy happens, when a man ejaculates in a vagina, and the sperms head up to the eggs and there is your miracle of life. (Now ask a pregnant woman if it is a miracle or the biggest pain in the ass). Look, there is no magic barrier, there is no way that a woman can prevent becoming pregnant without birth control, without condoms, and without the Morning After Pill. If you don't like it, don't use it- but don't hate on those who do- and don't remove someone else's right to. We can't all be like the Duggars (how many kids and counting?). Well maybe in today's society, we should be offering free birth control, so that families who can't afford kids don't have kids. So that way, people can pay for their living expenses, women don't have to take time off work that they cannot afford.

So men, think of your daughters, your mothers, your wives, your grandmothers, your granddaughters, your nieces, your baby sitters, your students, your neighbours, your cousins, your aunts. think of all those women who love you so much, and do America a favour. Vote Obama 2012.

On another personal note, not only is remembrance day, or Movember, it is all Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. So Please Wear Purple- even if it is just for Patrick Swayze.

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